Games 3 : WHERE DID THE VOWELS GO? , THE VOWELS GO? (continued)


Each of these sentences has one thing in common: All of their vowels have disappeared! The
number under each word indicates how many letters, including the missing vowels, are in
that word. Write each sentence on the lines provided. Each word’s letters appear in their
sequential order.

Games 3 : WHERE DID THE VOWELS GO? , THE VOWELS GO? (continued)


On the space below, make up four of your own of these kinds of sentences. Then try them
out on your classmates.

Games 3 : WHERE DID THE VOWELS GO? , THE VOWELS GO? (continued)


Each sentence will have as many words as there are letters in the word after the number. The
first word starts with the word’s first letter, the next word begins with the second letter, the
third word with the third letter, and so on. Thus, if the word is Comb, a possible sentence
could be “Can our match begin?” Only one proper noun is allowed per sentence, and the
sentence or question should make sense. After you have finished these ten, you might make up some of your own for your classmates.

Games 3 : WHERE DID THE VOWELS GO? , THE VOWELS GO? (continued)


Each set of letters indicates how you are to write the sentences in this activity. The words in
each sentence must begin with the specific letters and in that order only. Thus, if the letters
are T t p t t n h, the sentence could read “Take this package to the next house.” Be sure to pay
attention to the capital letters and punctuation. Write your sentences on the lines provided or
on another sheet of paper. Good luck!



There are 6 sentences (S), 6 fragments (F), and 3 run-ons (RO) within the groups of words
below. First, write the correct abbreviation on the line after the number. Then, on the
appropriate line at the bottom of the page, write the two letters that follow each group of
words in consecutive order. If your answers are correct, you will spell out three sentences.
Good luck!
1. Never in a million years. (TH)
2. These are the facts. (YO)
3. He spends too much money I do not spend enough. (IM)
4. Only in your dreams. (EB)
5. Hello. (UL)
6. If the situation called for my help. (AB)
7. Read the article it is very funny. (AY)
8. You will go on the next ride with me. (OO)
9. When the debate was over. (YC)
10. Unless you need to talk to her immediately. (RI)
11. Go to the desk your wallet is there. (GO)
12. Whether you like it or not. (ED)
13. Help me now! (KG)
14. The dance began at eight o’clock. (RE)
15. Robin Williams, the talented actor, starred in Dead Poets Society. (AT)

SENTENCE STUFF (continued)

3. sentence that contains two or more simple sentences, usually joined by a connecting
9. two sentences joined with proper punctuation or a connecting word
10. sentence that has one subject and one verb
11. sentence that issues a command
12. punctuation mark that signals a pause
13. sentence that expresses strong feeling
1. punctuation mark used at the end of interrogative sentences
2. sentence that makes a statement
3. sentence that expresses wishes or conditions contrary to fact
4. punctuation mark used at the end of declarative sentences
5. action part of the sentence that tells about the subject
6. the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the sentence
7. group of words used as a sentence although it can lack a subject, a verb, or a complete
8. sentence that asks a question
12. sentence that contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses

الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي كاتب مقالات ، احب التدوين ، واحاول بكل جهد ان اقدم لكل الطلاب ما هو مفيد لهم واتمنى لكم دوام النجاح والتوفيق محبكم الدائمي ( احمد مهدي شلال ) مقالات منوعه - اخبار تربويه ومنوعه - دروس رياضيات - العاب وترفيه