All questions about Corona disease and prevention

Corona disease in China and the spread of the virus, known as the great corona Alvairose disease of China, China announces the maximum state of emergency due to an outbreak of Corona Alvairose disease, the causes of the disease Corona and the cause of the spread, where Corona disease came and what are the reasons for the spread, prevention Koruna serious disease,

All questions about Corona disease and prevention

Has been monitoring the statistical the final day of spaces infected disease Koruna Alvairose about 2,800 people, and the number of deaths is estimated at more than 100 hundred people, since the spread of this virus in China, and also moved him to a number of countries, but infections with fewer they are the United States, Hong Kong , Japan, South Korea, France, Spain, Thailand, and two injured in Dubai.

Q / What is the virus Kurna? 
C / viruses Corona type and widespread diseases which cause between the common cold to popular or most disorders such as SARS stepped on Middle Eastern (MERS) syndrome syndrome Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (). 

Q / What is the new Corona virus? 
C / The new virus is a coronavirus in a new strain of virus Corona, was discovered infecting humans previously, Vvyrus Corona and causing inflammation and severe acute respiratory (SARS) had moved from civet cats to humans in China in 2002. 

Q / Can humans catch-infected Corona emerging from an animal source? 
C / moved virus corona causing respiratory (MERS) Middle East syndrome who moved from camels to humans in Saudi Arabia in 2012, many there are strains of this virus , Corona known that apply between animals without the movement of infections to humans so far. 

Q / Can be transmitted virus? 
C / Yes, some of these viral strains transmitted from person to person to communicate closely with the infected person as it happens in the field of family or work or health care centers. 

Q / Is there a vaccine virus Dz Corona new disease? 
C / so far it does not have any vaccine for the disease when a new virus appears satisfactorily, there is no vaccine available to him for the start to be repaired, and that it takes several years that the vaccine is manufactured against this virus spread. 

Q / Is there a vaccine on Corona emerging disease? 
C / There is no cure for the disease is currently emerging Alvairose Corona. However, many of the symptoms can be treated and can also be cured on the clinical situation of the patient, and may be supportive care for people infected with this virus is very successful. 

Question / what you can do to protect and prevent this virus Corona? 
C / be published and supported the recommendations of the typical tips and medical and preventive purpose is to reduce exposure to injury, a group of diseases, and so until his move to people, including maintaining hand hygiene, hygiene respiratory, eating food security, and not to approach as much as possible from the people that look like them the emergence of symptoms of colds or respiratory infections , cough and sneeze, and stay away from the atmosphere closed and densely populated, wear Alkmmat appropriate for the prevention of viral diseases for the prevention of these diseases. 

Q / What are the recommendations for the countries of the organization? 
C / organization encourages all countries to promote and monitor cases of respiratory acute infection (SARI) and exercise caution and accuracy in the review of any patterns is not unusual for such cases or cases of pneumonia, and to inform the organization of any cases of injury - infected Corona emerging C was Hai case confirmed or suspected, as countries are encouraged to continue and continue to strengthen preparations for emergency health in accordance with the International Health regulations.

Q / What is the incubation period of the disease?
C /  duration of incubation for the virus is not known; however , the incubation period for patterns of known virus (Corona) ranging from a week to ten days, which is often not unlike them. 

To confirm we talk about  ways of preventing this virus?

1 -   Continuously washhands thoroughly with soap and water or other disinfectants used for washing hands, especially after coughing or sneezing and usewater cycles, and before and after food handling and preparation.

2 -  Usetissue when coughing or sneezingcovermouth and nose it, then get ridit inwaste basket. Iftissuenot availableprefer coughing or sneezing onupper arm and not onhands.

3 -  Avoid contacteyes, nose and mouthhand maypossible, Valedan can transmitvirus after touching contaminated surfacesvirus.

4 -  wearing masks in places gatherings and congestionsuch as Hajj or Umrah.

5 -  care to follow other healthy habitsfood Kaltoazin, physical activity and takebreak enough sleep.

6 - To   maintain hygiene.

7 -   Avoid frictionpeople as much as possible.

This disease is a concern for the risk of a pandemic threatens the world 
(Human) doom. 

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