The most important natural oils used in cosmetics
Considered essential oils and natural plant the most important element in the areas of health and beauty and massage are also treating wrinkles, which is the largest private obsession among women is also used to get rid of facial spots and offer you today months recipes proven to facial beauty and the most important oils used
Bitter oil to beautify the skin pallid
To beautify the pale skin and the return of freshness and gravity are the face and neck massage component with a mixture of one tablespoon of bitter oil and a tablespoon of lavender oil paint with a move away from the sensitive areas of the face such as the eyes and the surrounding area
Oils rose to get rid of wrinkles
It is used to protect the skin from wrinkles where massage net oil rose with a focus on areas prone to roughness frequently, such as elbows, and this type of oil is fit to massage the whole body skin
Eucalyptus oils to get rid of facial spots
To get rid of dark facial spots or light and which distort the beauty of Eve Yum massage the facial skin with a mixture consisting of one teaspoon of camphor oil and a tablespoon of oil Lavender using a piece of cotton on the position of two spots a day and leave the oil on those spots for at least three hours and then wash face with cold water for cleaning and recovery
Oil option for the treatment of wrinkles
The option of enfranchise plants known to the Pharaohs and the Greeks and the Romans , and they used in many of the areas most important medicine and in cosmetics , in particular, where he goes Pfitmin A , which is concentrated in the peel option plus it contains a large proportion of the sulfur that preserves the beauty of the skin this is used in the cosmetics field on a large scale , and particularly in the work of face masks where the face option painted with oil in the evening to continue its effect throughout the night and also uses a peel option to treat the wrinkles face put the chaff above the eyes and above the position of creasing with repeating the process several times and uses cooked option without salt in the work of gas Well for the face to treat skin roughness and swelling of the eyelids and congestion of the face and finally proved the success of the option as a means to get rid of freckles and freckles by soaking slices of cucumber yogurt in several hours and face wash it once a week at least
Thank you my brothers wish you Muwafaqiya brother Ahmed James Baldwin
عزيزي المشاهد لا تترك الموضوع بدون تعليق وتذكر ان تعليقك يدل عليك فلا تقل الا خيرا :: كلمات قليلة تساعدنا على الاستمرار في خدمتكم ادارة الموقع ... ( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ )