Easy in Bbjee ways to discover your enemy site
The game Bbjee of the most fighting games are especially popular in most Arab countries, and certainly in the Southeast Asian countries as well as in a number of European countries so competitors in the game seeks to try and find out all new, as well as to reach some of the things that make them excel Mharria on others, and perhaps of the most important ways that make you achieve victory in any match as in pubg is your ability to determine the location of your enemy, and being able to see him before he could you do is you take the initiative to injury before he is so.
Locate your enemy in Bbjee
Instead of escape and panic tried to Takhtbo anywhere on the map Bbjee near your place, who is in it, where he will try your enemy continue to shoot you in the same place where he did not see that you have to go out after the area you are in, and this gives you an advantage in the possibility of look and focus with the source of fire hit to know the place used by your enemy to attack you, and this gives you the opportunity to Guens, and the third way they are during the landing and you're in the air can determine the places that exist in the largest number of enemies, as it good for you considerably when direct you there as after or even when landing.
The enemy was discovered in Bbjee when jogging
It is one of the easiest ways in which you can determine your enemy site, as it is during Rkdk by pressing continuously on the Alt button then, access to the 360 degree view, and this certainly helps you to detect any hostile activity near you, instead of you by running randomly and without a goal, you will look for your enemies while doing so, knowing that this is the best way when you play in a third person perspective, or TPP, means the fifth and final depend on the full map that you're aware you play them.
This makes you try to permanently study the different places on the map Bbjee especially that you have not visited before, and when you do take pictures, try to focus on the high places where based enemies and amateur hunting, so you can determine their places easily, and remember very well that the priority in determining the discount site It is one of the most important strategies that make you have the ability and preference to the injury first, and thus protect yourself from death and gain points which makes you closer to win games.
عزيزي المشاهد لا تترك الموضوع بدون تعليق وتذكر ان تعليقك يدل عليك فلا تقل الا خيرا :: كلمات قليلة تساعدنا على الاستمرار في خدمتكم ادارة الموقع ... ( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ )