الاجوبه الوزاريه لانكليزي السادس الاعدادي من عام 2015 الى 2019 ولكل الادوار

الاسئله والاجوبه النموذجيه لمادة الانكليزي السادس الاعدادي للاسئله الوزاريه والصادره من مركز الفحص من عام 2015 لغايه 2019 ولكل الادوار الاول والثاني والثالث والنازحين والخارجي وخارج العراق 

اهلا وسهلا بكم متابعي موقع الاستاذ احمد مهدي شلال في قسم التعليم الالكتروني منصة نيوتن منصة الطالب الالكترونية شبكة نيوتن التعليمية

الاجوبه الوزاريه لانكليزي السادس الاعدادي من عام 2015 الى 2019 ولكل الادوار 

 الملف موجود اسفل المقال وهو ملف نوع (PDF) تكدر اتشوفه فقط معاينه او اتنزله على الموبايل او الحاسوب لانه مرفوع على كوكل درايف drive google اذن للوضوح اكثر ادخل على الرابط اسفل المقال .

هذه نموذج من اسئلة 2019 لانكليزي السادس الاعدادي 

Reading Comprehension:

Q1. A/ Read this text carefully then answer(5) of the questions that follow. 
Ibrahim sold cheep shoes. He had a small lorry, and he bought the shoes from the factory and took them from one house to another and tried to sell them ta people. He sold s lot of bis shoes in small villages,because there were not many shops there, and people did not want to go to the tows and buy their shoes there. One day Ibrahim drove along the street of « village and mopped in front of one of the houses. There ‘was a small boy beside the door. Ibrahim opened the window of his lorry and called to the bay. Hello. Is your mother at home?  The boy lacked at him. Then be answered,“ Yes, the is.That's good, ~ Ibrahim said, and be smiled. He got out of his lorry, Wok some shows from the back and went to the door of the house, He knocked at the door again and waited for two minutes, but again the door didn't open Then iBrahim looked at the email boy end said in an angry voice, “yous mother is not st home. She " the sail boy answered."Than why hasn't she opened the door?Ibrahim asked. Because this in my house.” The small boy answered .

1, What did Ibrahim sell ?

2. Who bough a lot of Ibrahim  shoes?

3. What did Ibrahim see in free of one house in 8 village?

4. The boy's mother was not in the house because: (a- Ste was at the shops.    b- was not her house.)

5. Ibrahim took the boy in his lorry. (a. True    b. False )

6. Give the passage suitable title.

B/ Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book:

1. When we start work, we are encouraged to put money inte pension plans to ...........

2. Zaid thought perhaps his airbed had hit ..........

2. Whee are” workaholics  ?

4. People who live near the Ibrahim find them .................and think........ .

5. A good intepreter fellows the news and is well- informed on many topics, ( Tran / False )

6 Footprints and fingerprints can be used by police officers to ..............

Grammar and Functions :
Q2 A /Re - write following sentences , follow the instructions between brackets.
1. (was, delivered , when,mail. the?)( Put the words in the correct order to make a passive question )

2. She ( wear ) glasses, but now she ( have } contact lenses.
[ Use"  taod to" and the present or past simple}

3. Define 6 sour guide. ( Use” show tourists around" )

4. How short do you want your hair?
Tee hairdresser asked me ...............  (Reported question )

5. I like these shoes, Can 1/ try on / then ? ( Put the verb and the object in the correct order )

6. Unfortunately, 1 wens to bed so late yesterday, That's why I was trod, ( Regret use" I wish")

7.If I played tennis  I ( join ) the tennis club. ( Correct the form of the verb between brackets )

8. Would you like s cup of coffee’? No, thanks. .......... one.
(Complete the response using" just" end an appropriate verb )

9. You bike exercising, so | don’ think you'll have trouble getting Git ( Expectation)

10. Last week I ( meet ) an old friend from primary school and he ( ct change ).
( Correct the form of the vests between brackets )

11, I've woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. ( Correct the sentence )

12. He is going lo s painting class this evening. I found out he ...........( Future in the pest )

هنا رابط الاسئله والاجوبه الوزاريه من 2015-2019
(لمادة الانكليزي للسادس الاعدادي)

الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي كاتب مقالات ، احب التدوين ، واحاول بكل جهد ان اقدم لكل الطلاب ما هو مفيد لهم واتمنى لكم دوام النجاح والتوفيق محبكم الدائمي ( احمد مهدي شلال ) مقالات منوعه - اخبار تربويه ومنوعه - دروس رياضيات - العاب وترفيه