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مراجعة مركزة 12 صفحه فقط ومرشحات انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 الاستاذ محمد حسين

انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 , مرشحات انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 , مهمات انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 , مهم جدا انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 , اسئلة الوزاري هذا العام انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 , حصريا جدا انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020 , المهمات والمرشحات الجدده انكليزي ثالث متوسط حسب الحذف والتقليص 2020

اهلا بكم متابعي موقع وقناة الاستاذ احمد مهدي شلال في هذا الموضوع سنعرض لكم شرح كامل عن 

المراجعة المركزة ( المرشحات ) لمادة الإنكليزي  
  نسخة 2020  الجديدة
للاستاذ : محمد حسين 

1-Three or more people waiting in line ............( queue }

2-people who are not children ............... (adults )

3-another word for a writer-........( author )

4-It makes cars, boats, and planes move ...........{ an engine )

5- the opposite of safe ...... (dangerous )

6- Aconversation between famous people ............( talk show )

7-The fastest bird in the world .......{ Falcon }

8-Words or pictures to help sell things .......( Advertisement }

9- Rice and wheat, for example ........( crops )

10- You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music .....{ concert )
11- very old ..........( Ancient )

12- A person who helps other is .......( helpful )

13- A funny book, film or play .......( Comedy )

14- someone who writes about events for a newspaper .........( reporter )
15- A bird that hunts or kills other birds ....... ( Predator )

16- Activities like running, jumping and swimming ( sport )

17- Something you do in your spare time { hobby )

18- Information about sun, rain and temperature . ( weather )

19- We can clean out our teeth with this . ( toothbrush )

20- Hobby is to sit by a river with a long thin rod . { fishing )

21- Things that a country produces and sells to anther countries. ( exports )
23- A question and answer programme . ( quiz show )

1-Write an e-mail describing a friend 7
From : Mohammed

to : Saif

Hi Saif
There's a new boy in our college . He came to the college last month
-His name Ahmed . He is very nice . He is good at a lot of things . He
is really hard working and knows a lot of some lessons , such as ,
English and math's .He's also sporty and good at football . He was
on my team .He's quite tall ,with short ,black hair . He's clever and
really kind .

1-After Kareem had read Al-Nawab's pomes, he found theme very__ (choose) —
2- How did Kareem find Al-Nawab's poems after he had read them ?

He found them very interesting .
3- Was Kareem the first to buy the latest of the poet? > No, he was'nt. .
4- Kareem found Al-Nawab's works boring after he had read them. ( True / False)
5- Kareem has been saving up to ... be the first one to buy the latest book of Al-
Nawab poems.
6-What was kareem's dream ? > To be a famous poet . .
7- How many times had kareem read Al-Nawab's poems ? > He had read them
twice .
8- Kareem had read all of the Al-Nawab's poems and found them boring. ( True /
False ) .
9- Rice , wheat and barley are known as .... Crops ....
10- Do we need a lot of patience in blanket weaving hobby? > yes, we do.
11- lucy’s father falls in the pool with all his clothes . ( True / False )
12- Before falconry , the Bedouins used to eat a lot of meat .( True / False )
13- The " panther 30D " has seats for eight people. ( True / False ) |
14- The Alumni are from different Iraqi provinces . ( True / False ) .
15- The" panther 30D " is actually quite cheap. ( True / False )
16- Samara's brother is older than her. ( True / False) :
17- The " panther 30D " has no standard features. ( True / False )
18- Samara is the name of the girl Lucy plays. ( True/ False )
19- The alumni took a rickshaw from the city centre to the house of their
professor.( True/ False) .
20-Ibraheem was not interesting in animals before he went to school. ( True / |
False )
21-There would be soon be no rare birds because of falconry. ( True / False )
22- Ibrahim moved to Baghdad when he was 17 . ( True / False ) :
23- The capital of Sudan is Khartoum. ( True / False ) |
24- The son looked at his father with disgust. ( True / False )
25- Some young men are more interested in the engine of panther 30D. ( True
/False ) :
26-When the labour pains begin , the pregnant deer focuses on giving birth to new |
27-The son looked at his father with love and respect .( True / False )
28-Lucy’s brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents . (True / |
False )
29- The deer found a remote grass field in forest to give birth . ( True / False )
30- Lucy played samara in tragedy play . ( True / False )
31- Al-Sabah Newspaper make a special offer to five young students from local '
school.(True/False) }
32- Ibraheem was interested in animals from an ......... early age before he went to

33-Pierre helped Ibrahim to ............... learn French .........
34- Samara's brother is very clumsy and he is always having ............. Silly
accidents .............
34-Samara’'s brother spills his drink at lunch and then he ........ slips in the puddle
35- From an early age , Ibraheem was interested in .............. animals ...............
36- Marsh Arabs live in arched houses built from ............. Reeds .......
37- Is blanket weaving still popular in many homes ? > Yes it is.
38-How did the deer face the negative thoughts and danger? >The deer stays
quiet a wating what will happn
39-What can a person acquire by practicing in particular hobby ?
>Being creative and making things can be extremely enjoyable .
40-How fast can Falcons dive ? > Some Falcons can dive at 240ph.
41-Where do Marsh Arabs live? > They live in arched houses which they build
from reeds.
42-How do many people find fishing?
- More relaxing by sitting near a lake or river watching the nature and feeling part
of it.
43-What do marsh Arabs raise? > Domestic buffalo , some sheep and Cairo .
44-What dose the deer focuse on when the labour pains begin ?
- To give birth to a new life .
45-How many seats dose the " panter 3.0D" have ? > Eight seats.
46-What did the professor return with when he went to the kitchen ?
- He returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups .
47-Did the customers watch the old man with love and respect ? > No, they
48- Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job ? > Yes, it can.
49- What did the son buy his father ? > He bought him some food .
50-Where can Marsh Arabs be found ?
- In the Marshlands In the south_east of Iraq .
aa Mohammed,Hussein:


تحميل المرشحات 


صور للمرشحات جاهزة بدون تحميل 

لتحميل المرشحات من الرابط التالي

اضغط هنا 

التعريف بالموقع : هذا الموقع تابع للاستاذ احمد مهدي شلال بشكل رسمي وكل ما ينشر في الموقع يخضع للمراقبة وموقع الاستاذ احمد غير مسؤول عن التعليقات على المواضيع كل شخص مسؤول عن نفسه عند كتابة التعليق بحيث لا يتحمل موقع الاستاذ احمد مهدي اي مسؤولية قانونية حيال ذلك


ملاحظة مهمة : لاتنسى دائما ان للاستاذ احمد مهدي شلال قناة رسمية على موقع اليوتيوب باسم ( احمد مهدي شلال عباس المهداوي ) حيث اقوم بنشر شروحات دروس الرياضيات لكافة المراحل الدراسية مرحلة الابتدائي ( اول ابتدائي وثاني ابتدائي وثالث ابتدائي ورابع ابتدائي وخامس ابتدائي ) ومرحلة المتوسطة ( اول متوسط وثاني متوسط وثالث متوسط ) ومرحلة الاعدادية ( رابع اعدادي وخامس ادبي وخامس علمي وسادس ادبي وسادس علمي احيائي وسادس علمي تطبيقي ) كلها تجدوها في قناتي الرسمية وايضا لدي قناة ثانية رسمية على موقع اليوتيوب باسم ( احمد مهدي Gaming ) مهتم بهذه القناة بمجتمع يختلف عن القناة الاولى في هذه القناة اقوم بنشر الالعاب الالكترونية بكل انواعها اسعى لزرع البسمة في وجوهكم وتغيير جو الدراسة

الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي كاتب مقالات ، احب التدوين ، واحاول بكل جهد ان اقدم لكل الطلاب ما هو مفيد لهم واتمنى لكم دوام النجاح والتوفيق محبكم الدائمي ( احمد مهدي شلال ) مقالات منوعه - اخبار تربويه ومنوعه - دروس رياضيات - العاب وترفيه