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مهم لطلاب السادس الاعدادي بفروعه الانشاءات المطلوبه بالامتحان الوزاري 2020 بعد الحذف والتقليص من وزارة التربية

انشاءات سادس اعدادي 2020 , انشاءات سادس علمي تطبيقي واحيائي , انشاءات سادس ادبي وزاري , الانشاءات المطلوبة في الامتحان الوزاري بعد الحذف والتقليص , 

اهلا بكم متابعي موقع وقناة الاستاذ احمد مهدي شلال من كل مكان في هذا الموضوع سنقدم لكم 

 انشاءات صف السادس الاعدادي لمادة الانكليزي المطلوبه في الامتحان الوزاري 2020

اعداد الاستاذ 

ضياء عياش الجبوري

Unit one
Lesson 9 /AB / P.23
Cigarette advertising should be illegal

Smoking is serious problem that harms the health of people. Let's start with cigarettes advertisements ' Smoking is forbidden " which can he seen everywhere. Young people and children see them. These advertisements can give a warning message that tells us smoking is dangerous. In my opinion, people have a lot of information about the harmful effects of smoking ; yet, a large number of them still smoke. I feel that the advertisements encourage smoking are popular and attractive for smokers whereas those which mention the dangers of smoking are successful for non-smokers. Finally , to be legal all advertisements should warn people who smoke than who don't do.

Unit Two
Lesson 9 / AB / P.46
Dear Ahmed,

I like to write some ideas and advice you may need. You should take a taxi to the company to be early and ready there. Tell the receptionist about the interview so that he can tell you what to do. You should be calm and sober and not to worry because it is 2 normal procedure. About the interview, you should wear a nice sult and a tie to be neat and formal. You shouldn't forget to have a notebook with a pen. You should write any note or information during the interview. You shouldn't speak more than what is needed. You should be smart and serious. You should take time to say "thank you" after the interview. Hope to get the job because you are qualified and perfect.

Best wishes,

Unit Three
Lesson 9 / AB / P. 72
The advantages of studving Enelish in Britain

Studying English in Britain is very nice. It makes me get many advantages there. Firstly, can hear people speaking English all day in many different situations. Secondly, I will have lots of opportunities to practice speaking English especially if I stay with Britain family because I live, eat and drink with them. Then, I can discuss different matters with them. After that, I can watch TV and films in English and listen to the radio, In addition to that, I can read English newspapers, advertisement and notices. On the top of that, I can observe the British way of life when I go out in the streets, restaurants, colleges and parks. Finally , I can possibly stay with British family.

Unit Four

Lesson 1/ AB/P. 77
Dear Ahmed,

I'm sorry I haven‘t been in touch recently. This vear has been busy. My brother Ali and I set up our own company last June. It's called - Amber Perfume Company. We produce different kinds of perfume for men and women. We employed experts from France who have a good experience in extracting perfumes from flowers. We invested a lot of money in business, so we are not yet making profit. However, sales are very good and we are exporting many perfumes for many Arab countries and cven to European countries. Of course, it is too difficult to compete with French companies. But our prices are competitive. Last month, we went to Lebanon to show our products at Lebanon Perfume
Week. There was a lot of interest in our products.

الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي
الاستاذ احمد مهدي كاتب مقالات ، احب التدوين ، واحاول بكل جهد ان اقدم لكل الطلاب ما هو مفيد لهم واتمنى لكم دوام النجاح والتوفيق محبكم الدائمي ( احمد مهدي شلال ) مقالات منوعه - اخبار تربويه ومنوعه - دروس رياضيات - العاب وترفيه