أسئلة اللغة الانكليزية الدور الأول 2024 صف السادس الادبي

أسئلة إنكليزي الدور الأول 2024 صف سادس ادبي , حل أسئلة الإنكليزي السادس الادبي دور اول 2024 , أسئلة واجوبة لغة إنكليزي الدور الأول 2024 صف السادس الاعدادي الفرع الادبي

أسئلة امتحان دور اول صف سادس ادبي 2024 مادة إنكليزي

• اسم المادة : اللغة الإنكليزية
• سنة الامتحان : الدور الأول للعام 2024
• اعداد : وزارة التربية اللجنة الدائمة للامتحانات الوزارية

أسئلة لغة إنكليزية للصف السادس الادبي 2024 الامتحان الوزاري دور 1 

- تنبيه : يتم رفع الأسئلة بعد انتهاء الوقت الرسمي للامتحان

تحميل وتنزيل الأجوبة والحلول النموذجية أسئلة الإنكليزي الوزاري دور اول 2024 صف السادس الاعدادي الادبي

الأسئلة كتابة نص

Reading Comprehension (20 Marks)

Q1. A / Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow:                                 (10 M.)

My friend Salim once had an amusing experience on a bus. Last Friday his car stopped working so he took a bus to go shopping in order to buy a new TV screen. He took with him five thousand pounds to cover the price of the TV screen. He put the money in an envelope in his pocket and got on a bus where he met an old friend. From time to time, Salim put his hand on his pocket to make sure that the envelope was still there. Suddenly, he felt it had gone. Salim looked at the people around him but he couldn’t know who the thief was. He said to his friend with a smile “An unlucky thief has taken from my pocket the envelope which is full of newspaper cuttings that I need to write my article. I think the thief thought it was full of money.” Then Salim looked down and saw his envelope under the seat and picked it up. He was happy and he left the bus at the next stop to count the money.

1. The new TV screen would cost  …………..       (a. more than 5000 pounds        b. less than 5000 pounds)

2. Whom did Salim meet on the bus?

3. The envelope was full of newspaper cuttings.                 (True / False)

4. Why did Salim put his hand on his pocket from time to time?

5. Salim got off the bus at the next stop to ………….    (a. call the police      b. count his money)

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

B/ Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book:     (10 M.)

1. Why did Tariq fall into the water?

2. What two complaints do people who live near wind turbines have about them?

3. Why do some officers direct traffic?

4. Holiday time can give us the opportunity to …………….. about people who are close to us.

5. Interpreters must have three active languages.             (True / False)

6. The author enjoyed his job for a while, However, ………………..


Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q2. A/ Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10)   (20 M.)

1. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it.      (Use: “If only”)

2. How long have you been flying? She asked me ………………               (Reported question)

3. Did Salwa’s family move house yet?            (Correct the sentence)

4. “I’m playing basketball” I couldn’t meet my friends because I …………        (Future in the past)

5. Define a secretary.        (Use “do general office work”)

6. Which TV programmes (you / watch) when you were little?           (Use the correct form of “used to”)

7. She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise.     (Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple)

8. Somebody robbed the bank yesterday.        (Rewrite in the passive form)

9. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how long / write?)       (Write a question using the words in brackets)

10. A photographer took a picture of the witness.

      The witness …………………. (Write with the correct form of “have”)

11. The police found fingerprints at the scene, so I think they will arrest the thief soon.      (Expectation)

12. ………………. Tea is better for your heart and can even lower your blood pressure.  (Use an imperative to give advice)

B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: (5 only)                                                                     (10 M.)

1. After we (spoke / had spoken) to the teacher, we left the classroom.

2. I have had this car (since / for) November.

3. Tariq was floating (peaceful / peacefully).

4. The machine (is being repaired / is repaired) at the moment.

5. Have you (never / ever) camped in the desert?

6. Edinburgh, (where / which) there’s a huge cultural festival every summer, is an exciting place to spend a holiday.

Vocabulary and Spelling:   (20 Marks)

Q3. A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box:                                             (10 M.)

regulations  ,  sneeze  ,  advice ,  temperature  ,  improve  ,   pilots

1. Global warming is an average increase in the Earth’s ………………..

2. Officers in the military can be ………………..

3. We have to follow a lot of safety ……………….. at work.

4. I always ……………….. when I put pepper on my food.

5. I would like to go on a computer course to ……………….. my skills.


B/ Match the beginnings  in List A with the suitable endings in List B:  (5 only)                              (5 M.)

List A                                                                          List B

1. I don’t have to                                                         a. so I should be able to talk to most of the visitors.

2. I can speak English and Arabic,                             b. I’m meeting my brother at 6.00.

3. I am writing to inquire                                            c. can’t see the picture anymore.

4. I can’t stay long because                                         d. I would have lent you my guidebook.

5. If you’d told me you were going to London,          e. leave so soon.

6. If you disconnect your TV, you:                             f. about my ATM card.


C/ Complete the following with correctly-spelt words. (Choose 5 only)                                             (5 M.)

1. The opposite of “deep” ………………..

2. property , stuff ; injured , ………………..

3. driving lic. , driving licence ; spk. Engl. and Arab. , ………………..

4. branches , parts ; astounded , ………………..

5. wonder , wonderful ; attract , ………………..

6. joint in the arm , ………………..


Literature Focus: (10 Marks )

Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions:   

1. In 1967 , ………………..

2. What did the Canary do to attract the attention of his owner?

3. Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his message to the little child.   

4. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures.        (True / False)

5. How does the story of “The Canary” end?

6. “The Swing” is a sincere invitation to ……………….. and to ………………..


Writing: ( 20 Marks)

Q5. Choose either A or B.

 A/ Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn’t make. Write (100 to 120) words..

B/ Write an e-mail of (100-120) words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong.

